יום שבת, 28 במאי 2011

מה שפרפר אחד יכל לעולל

You'll never change what's been and gone, just stop crying your heart out.
two strangers meet in a crowded street. They turn around, surprised to find a familiar face within the many nameless souls, and desperately try to grasp a memory, which promptly flees and becomes oblivion. They carry on, never looking back again, unaware of the life they could have had if only they had stopped and said somehting. They disappear in the crowd and remain strangers forevermore.
Fade to black.
Credits roll.

And that is how things go in real life, you know. There aren't no flashbacks, there aren't any last minute saves, there isn't a save-the-day button. The credits doesn't roll, there is no director, no actors (in the order of appearance). In the end, we might just walk pass our entire lives and not even notice. Our biggest chance might just lay there, waiting, and we might just miss it, and leave it be. there is no turning back, no pause, no rewind. There's just life.
Well. I don'w know. It's like sometimes life truely gives you lemons, only it doesn't teach you what lemonade is, so you're stuck with this bunch of useless, sour, lemons. But if only you had stumbled upon the right recipe you could have become a lemonade tycoon. You see, it's like that. Whenever you throw away a lemon, you're wasting another opportunity. Sometime soon, you're gonna end up with no lemons, but you'll never know what you missed, now, wouldn't you.
And the scariest thing is that you won't even give it a second thought, nor will the person with whom you came across. You'll just keep on going, soundtrack of your life playing in the background, doing whatever it is you were doing before, as if nothing of value just happend. Because it's like that. There is no value in random acquaintances. Relationships are only what you make of them, life is only what you make of it, you are only what you make of yourself, and you can never be more than you are. So the greatest thing in your life might just walk right past you, perhaps nod at you, and if you're lucky maybe even smile, but on most days it will do nothing, and so will you, and you will lose it. but it won't be sad, because, to be honest, you never had it in the first place, which, on second thought, only makes it sadder.
Its not just about people. People are only the embodiment of possibilities. It's about not seeing all the doors that are right there in front of you. And  it's not all about being compaitble. People aren't computers. It's about changes. It's about what makes your life a different thing, for better or worse. It's about how I might have been a totally different person if only I had met a different set of people, and how I might become a whole different person in the future depending on my choices today. And to be honest, I don't know what kind of person I'd like to be, not today and not in the future, which is weird because it means I'm choosing my path before I chose my destiny. And it is also about people, specifically about meeting the right ones, knowing how to hang on to those you need and let go of those you don't. But hey, nobody can make all the right choices, can they? Sometimes you gotta be wrong and learn from mistakes, right?

תגובה 1:

  1. יש לך אנגלית טובה. היו לך פיספוסים פה שם (של קפיטלס, es מיותר או שלילה מיותרת שלא התאימה לסגנון של שאר הקטע) אבל לא נראה לי שמדובר במשהו שלא תשים לב אליו אם תעבור על זה שוב.
    הנקודות שאתה עובר עליהן הן באמת מעניינות, אבל בסופו של דבר היו קטעים שחזרת על עצמך קצת יותר מדי, וכבר הייתה לי תחושה שאתה פשוט זורק משפטים שנורא קל להפוך אותם למשמעותיים, ואו שלא פיענחת אותם כאן או שפשוט דיברת עליהם כבר קודם וזו פשוט צורה אחרת שלהם.
    עוד דבר שהפריע לי היה שלא ממש הייתי בטוח מה זה - סיפור, "קטע", או פשוט פוסט בבלוג (מה שיתאים, אני מניח). לא הייתי בטוח למה כיוונת את זה כי הבמה הזו מאפשרת כל מיני סוגים של יצירות, ואני עדיין לא יודע איזה סוג/סוגים אתה מפרסם כאן.
